59 research outputs found

    Compile-Time Query Optimization for Big Data Analytics

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    Many emerging programming environments for large-scale data analysis, such as Map-Reduce, Spark, and Flink, provide Scala-based APIs that consist of powerful higher-order operations that ease the development of complex data analysis applications. However, despite the simplicity of these APIs, many programmers prefer to use declarative languages, such as Hive and Spark SQL, to code their distributed applications. Unfortunately, most current data analysis query languages are based on the relational model and cannot effectively capture the rich data types and computations required for complex data analysis applications. Furthermore, these query languages are not well-integrated with the host programming language, as they are based on an incompatible data model. To address these shortcomings, we introduce a new query language for data-intensive scalable computing that is deeply embedded in Scala, called DIQL, and a query optimization framework that optimizes and translates DIQL queries to byte code at compile-time. In contrast to other query languages, our query embedding eliminates impedance mismatch as any Scala code can be seamlessly mixed with SQL-like syntax, without having to add any special declaration. DIQL supports nested collections and hierarchical data and allows query nesting at any place in a query. With DIQL, programmers can express complex data analysis tasks, such as PageRank and matrix factorization, using SQL-like syntax exclusively. The DIQL query optimizer uses algebraic transformations to derive all possible joins in a query, including those hidden across deeply nested queries, thus unnesting nested queries of any form and any number of nesting levels. The optimizer also uses general transformations to push down predicates before joins and to prune unneeded data across operations. DIQL has been implemented on three Big Data platforms, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and Twitter's Cascading/Scalding, and has been shown to have competitive performance relative to Spark DataFrames and Spark SQL for some complex queries. This paper extends our previous work on embedded data-intensive query languages by describing the complete details of the formal framework and the query translation and optimization processes, and by providing more experimental results that give further evidence of the performance of our system

    Translation of Array-based Loop Programs to Optimized SQL-based Distributed Programs

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    Many data analysis programs are often expressed in terms of array operations in sequential loops. However, these programs do not scale very well to large amounts of data that cannot fit in the memory of a single computer and they have to be rewritten to work on Big Data analysis platforms, such as Map-Reduce and Spark. We present a novel framework, called SQLgen, that automatically translates sequential loops on arrays to distributed data-parallel programs, specifically Spark SQL programs. We further extend this framework by introducing OSQLgen, which automatically parallelizes array-based loop programs to distributed data-parallel programs on block arrays. At first, our framework translates the sequential loops on arrays to monoid comprehensions and then to Spark SQL. For SQLgen, the SQL is over coordinate arrays while for OSQLgen, it is over block arrays. As block arrays are more compact than coordinate arrays, computations on block matrices are significantly faster than on arrays in the coordinate format. Since not all array-based loops can be translated to SQL on block arrays, we focus on certain patterns of loops that match an algebraic structure known as a semiring. Many linear algebra operations, such as matrix multiplication required in many machine learning algorithms, as well as many graph programs that are equivalent to a semiring can be translated to distributed data-parallel programs on block arrays using OSQLgen, thus giving us a substantial performance gain. Finally, to evaluate our framework, we compare the performance of OSQLgen with GraphX, GraphFrames, MLlib, and hand-written Spark SQL programs on coordinate and block arrays on various real-world problems

    Using the Parametricity Theorem for Program Fusion

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    Program fusion techniques have long been proposed as an effective means of improving program performance and of eliminating unnecessary intermediate data structures. This paper proposes a new approach on program fusion that is based entirely on the type signatures of programs. First, for each function, a recursive skeleton is extracted that captures its pattern of recursion. Then, the parametricity theorem of this skeleton is derived, which provides a rule for fusing this function with any function. This method generalizes other approaches that use fixed parametricity theorems to fuse programs. 1 Introduction There is much work recently on using higher-order operators, such as fold [11] and build [8, 5], to automate program fusion [2] and deforestation [13]. Even though these methods do a good job on fusing programs, they are only effective if programs are expressed in terms of these operators. This limits their applicability to conventional functional languages. To ameliorate this pr..

    Supporting Bulk Synchronous Parallelism in Map-Reduce Queries

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    Abstract—One of the major drawbacks of the Map-Reduce (MR) model is that, to simplify reliability and fault tolerance, it does not preserve data in memory across consecutive MR jobs: a MR job must dump its data to the distributed file system before they can be read by the next MR job. This restriction imposes a high overhead to complex MR workflows and graph algorithms, such as PageRank, which require repetitive MR jobs. The Bulk Synchronous Parallelism (BSP) programming model, on the other hand, has been recently advocated as an alternative to the MR model that does not suffer from this restriction, and, under certain circumstances, allows complex repetitive algorithms to run entirely in the collective memory of a cluster. We present a framework for translating complex declarative queries for scientific and graph data analysis applications to both MR and BSP evaluation plans, leaving the choice to be made at run-time based on the available resources. If the resources are sufficient, the query will be evaluated entirely in memory based on the BSP model, otherwise, the same query will be evaluated based on the MR model. I

    Query Unnesting in Object-Oriented Databases

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    There is already a sizable body of proposals on OODB query optimization. One of the most challenging problems in this area is query unnesting, where the embedded query can take any form, including aggregation and universal quantification. Although there is already a number of proposed techniques for query unnesting, most of these techniques are applicable to only few cases. We believe that the lack of a general and simple solution to the query unnesting problem is due to the lack of a uniform algebra that treats all operations (including aggregation and quantification) in the same way. This paper presents a new query unnesting algorithm that generalizes many unnesting techniques proposed recently in the literature. Our system is capable of removing any form of query nesting using a very simple and efficient algorithm. The simplicity of the system is due to the use of the monoid comprehension calculus as an intermediate form for OODB queries. The monoid comprehension calculus treats op..

    Incremental Query Processing on Big Data Streams

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